.NET Framework  This feature is not supported by the .NET Framework implementation of the Data Provider.

Below is a list of NTS members translated into SQL and the Teradata SQL function into which they are translated by the NTS support package.

NetTopologySuite Member Teradata SQL Function Supported
Geometry.Area ST_Area Yes
Geometry.AsBinary() ST_AsBinary Yes
Geometry.AsText() ST_AsText Yes
Geometry.Boundary ST_Boundary Yes
Geometry.Buffer(double) ST_Buffer Yes
Geometry.Buffer(double, int) No
Geometry.Centroid ST_Centroid Yes
Geometry.Contains(Geometry) ST_Contains Yes
Geometry.ConvexHull() ST_ConvexHull Yes
Geometry.CoveredBy(Geometry) No
Geometry.Covers(Geometry) No
Geometry.Crosses(Geometry) ST_Crosses Yes
Geometry.Difference(Geometry) ST_Difference Yes
Geometry.Dimension ST_Dimension Yes
Geometry.Disjoint(Geometry) ST_Disjoint Yes
Geometry.Distance(Geometry) ST_Distance Yes
Geometry.Envelope ST_Envelope Yes
Geometry.EqualsExact(Geometry) No
Geometry.EqualsTopologically(Geometry) ST_Equals Yes
Geometry.GeometryType ST_GeometryType Yes (see note 1)
Geometry.GetGeometryN(int) ST_GeometryN Yes
Geometry.InteriorPoint ST_PointOnSurface Yes
Geometry.Intersection(Geometry) ST_Intersection Yes
Geometry.Intersects(Geometry) ST_Intersects Yes
Geometry.IsEmpty ST_IsEmpty Yes
Geometry.IsSimple ST_IsSimple Yes
Geometry.IsValid ST_IsValid Yes
Geometry.IsWithinDistance(Geometry, double) ST_Distance Yes
Geometry.Length ST_Length Yes
Geometry.NumGeometries ST_NumGeometries Yes
Geometry.NumPoints ST_NumPoints Yes
Geometry.OgcGeometryType ST_GeometryType Yes (see note 2)
Geometry.Overlaps(Geometry) ST_Overlaps Yes
Geometry.PointOnSurface ST_PointOnSurface Yes
Geometry.Relate(Geometry, string) ST_Relate Yes
Geometry.Reverse() No
Geometry.SRID ST_SRID Yes
Geometry.SymmetricDifference(Geometry) ST_SymDifference Yes
Geometry.ToBinary() ST_AsBinary Yes
Geometry.ToText() ST_AsText Yes
Geometry.Touches(Geometry) ST_Touches Yes
Geometry.Union() No
Geometry.Union(Geometry) ST_Union Yes
Geometry.Within(Geometry) ST_Within Yes
GeometryCollection.Count ST_NumGeometries Yes
GeometryCollection[int] ST_GeometryN Yes
LineString.Count ST_NumPoints Yes
LineString.EndPoint ST_EndPoint Yes
LineString.GetPointN(int) ST_PointN Yes
LineString.IsClosed ST_IsClosed Yes
LineString.IsRing ST_IsRing Yes
LineString.StartPoint ST_StartPoint Yes
MultiLineString.IsClosed ST_IsClosed Yes
Point.M No
Point.X ST_X Yes
Point.Y ST_Y Yes
Point.Z CASE point.ST_Is3D() WHEN 1 THEN point.ST_Z() END Yes (see note 3)
Polygon.ExteriorRing ST_ExteriorRing Yes
Polygon.GetInteriorRingN(int) ST_InteriorRingN Yes
Polygon.NumInteriorRings ST_NumInteriorRings Yes
  1. The result of the ST_GeometryType function call is cast into the expected string (i.e. "Point", "LineString", etc).

  2. The result of the ST_GeometryType function call is cast into the expected OgcGeometryType integer.

  3. If the input geometry is a non-point or a 2D point, Teradata SQL Engine returns an error from ST_Z() function. The translated SQL avoids this by relying on ST_Is3D().

See Also

Spatial Data