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Breaking Changes in the EFCore Provider
.NET Data Provider for Teradata > Developer's Guide > Teradata Entity Framework Core Provider > Breaking Changes in the EFCore Provider
.NET Framework  This feature is not supported by the .NET Framework implementation of the Data Provider.

The following table provides a list of application-breaking API or behavior changes in the EFCore Provider:

Version Impact Breaking Change(s)
3.1.0 Low

Previously, a field with a "DECIMAL(30)" column type could be mapped to a System.Double and store a value that exceeds System.Decimal. This was a bug and is no longer permitted.

Previously, a field with a "ST_GEOMETRY" column type would be mapped to a string type mapping. Now mapping this type requires the NetTopologySuite support package.

0.6.0 Low

The DbFunction extension methods were moved from the Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore namespace to the Teradata.EntityFrameworkCore namespace.

Renamed UseTeradataIdentityAlways to ForTeradataUseIdentityAlways and UseTeradataIdentityByDefault to ForTeradataUseIdentityByDefault.